SET 2018 Schedule
Subject to change. Please see our Call for Volunteers page to advise us of your willingness, availability, and capability.
SET Schedule
COTN will hold its numerous sessions starting on Saturday, October 6, 2018, and continuing through Sunday October 7. All times are local (Eastern). Each net will have a designated Net Control Station (NCS), liaisons to Ohio Single Sideband Net (OSSBN), Buckeye Net (BN), and W8SGT, and will take place on a designated frequency (always start with primary, then move to secondary, then tertiary, then simplex), with any particular focus for the session (for example, simplex operation), noted.
Note that the SET is part of BLACK SWAN 18, which runs October 4-10 and will conduct operations with both U.S. Government and amateur stations on Ch. 4 of the 60m allocation. Remember that all net control stations for sessions on October 6 and 7 will need to send their detailed SET session reports.
SET Check-In Procedure
When checking into COTN during the SET, do so by announcing yourself as follows:
Callsign (in standard phonetics)
Add "/E" (pronounced "stroke echo") to your callsign if you are on emergency power, e.g., a battery or generator
Add "/D" (pronounced "stroke delta") to your callsign if you are capable of digital message exchange on the present session, e.g., Fldigi -- not to be confused with "digital liaison," which is NTSD
Announce "new ham" if you got your license in 2013 or after