Central Ohio Traffic Net Modifies Format
Post date: Sep 21, 2014 4:40:09 PM
At the September 2014 in-person meeting, the Central Ohio Traffic Net adopted a change in the format of the net. Our purpose is to improve focus on traffic handling in a formal session as well as to provide new stations an opportunity to check in, to ask questions, and to participate in discussion about traffic handling.
Effective September 21, 2014, we will first call the net to order to pass traffic, to hold IFs in support of passing that traffic, and to hear COTN announcements and ARRL bulletins. After all traffic and business has been handled, net control will announce the time and move to a round-robin discussion. Any station wishing to leave the net may do so at this time. Net control will call in turn each station that has checked in, for a comment or query. Each station will be given a turn, such that queries can be answered and comments can be made until net control declares the discussion portion to be completed.
When checking into the net, please be sure to list your formal traffic, COTN announcements, and ARRL Bulletins. If you need an IF to support the passing of traffic, list it. If you are looking for an IF after net, have a training tip, or a query about traffic handling or net operations, please save those until it's time for your comment during the round-robin session.
Any questions may be directed to the COTN Net Manager on-air or via email at kd8tte@arrl.net.