COTN Calendar Updated
Post date: Feb 3, 2019 2:42:26 PM
We have updated Central Ohio Traffic Net's posted schedule to show activity where we have regular contact. The schedule, as always, can be found on our Net Schedule, Frequencies, and Event Calendar Page.
We have removed references to the Eighth Region nets (8RN) and Eastern Area nets (EAN) since we do not maintain direct liaison with them. We have added all Ohio Section nets and independent nets where we have regular liaison. We now show meeting times and frequencies for:
- Ohio Single Sideband Net (OSSBN), ARRL Ohio Section Traffic Net
- Buckeye Net (Early), ARRL Ohio Section Traffic Net (CW)
- Buckeye Net (Late), ARRL Ohio Section Traffic Net (CW)
- Ohio Slow Net, ARRL Ohio Section Traffic Net (Slow CW)
- Ohio HF Emergency Net, ARRL Ohio Section ARES Net
- Ohio Digital Emergency Net (OHDEN), ARRL Ohio Section ARES Net
- Hit and Bounce Net (HBN) and Hit and Bounce Slow Net (HBSN) (CW and slow CW), Independent Traffic Net
- 75 Meter Interstate Sideband Net (75M ISBN), Independent Traffic Net
All of these serve as outlets for outbound traffic; which we'll use depends on such factors as precedence of traffic, meeting times, and modes of operation. Of course we also maintain liaison to the Radio Relay International (RRI) Digital Traffic Net (DTN), which as an automated store-and-forward system does not have net schedules.
Emergency and Priority traffic will continue to relay immediately, without waiting for meeting times.
We can take inbound traffic through any of these routes, and are able to relay to any of the stations on our Roster, including stations at Franklin County Emergency Management & Homeland Security, Ohio Emergency Management Agency, Ohio Military Reserve, and Franklin County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES). COTN can also move traffic to other services including Military Auxiliary Radio Service (MARS) and SHARES.