NCS Script
Listed below is the script to be used for the Central Ohio Traffic Net. FOR SET NET SESSIONS USE THE SET SCRIPT.
Checklist for Net Control operators:
Please be sure to start the net on time. Check with WWV, United States Naval Observatory Master Clock, or another accurate source for the correct time.
Be in position and start preparations five minutes before the start of the net.
Make note of items to announce during net. Read any announcement that is less than one week old unless it refers to an event that has already happened or request that has expired. You will need to announce any item on the Event Calendar that will take place in the coming week. If you cannot see the information on the web site before net, see to it that another station checks for announcements and is prepared to make them.
At one minute before net, announce that you're standing by for the net, e.g., "This is (your call), standing by for Central Ohio Traffic Net."
Do not forget to draft your session report immediately at the conclusion of the net. See that you submit the report online in accordance with By-Law 9. If you cannot submit the report online yourself, send the report by radiogram to another station who can submit the report online for you. Either way, you will receive a confirmation by radiogram, reporting the figures entered into the system. If you do not receive confirmation or the figures are wrong, contact the Operations Officer or Net Manager to ensure the correct data are recorded.
Be sure that you say the complete callsign for each station reporting into the net in the standard speaking alphabet. Do not just accept a station in the net if you do not have the callsign correctly recorded. Give stations an opportunity to correct their callsign if you do not have it correct.
The # symbol means drop carrier. Also, remember to identify the net every 10 minutes. ("This is the Central Ohio Traffic Net, (your call) is net control.")
This is the Central Ohio Traffic Net, a part of the Ohio Section of the National Traffic System. We meet daily to handle traffic. This is a directed net and net control will control the net. Your net control is (your callsign), my name is (your name), and I am located at (your location). This is a training net and all licensed amateurs are welcome to check in. When checking in please indicate your location by county. If in Franklin County, indicate your location by quadrant as determined by the boundaries of High Street and Broad Street in Columbus, as Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, or Northwest. Is there any emergency or priority traffic? #
If any traffic is listed here, call for a station to help pass the traffic listed.
Are there mobile stations? #
Record all stations and their traffic (if any).
Section Net Liaison please. #
Acknowledge the SNL, and record his traffic (if any).
Agency or other liaison stations? #
Acknowledge any other liaison stations, e.g., W8SGT (Ohio EMA), ARES, CERT, etc.
Stations with traffic only. If listing Columbus please indicate the addressee's county or quadrant of Franklin County. #
Record all stations and their traffic. Repeat this as often as is needed.
Stations outside of Franklin County with or without traffic. #
Record all stations and their county. Repeat the call until you have no answer and move on to the next item.
Stations with or without traffic in Northeast Franklin County. #
Record all stations and their area of the county. Repeat the call until you have no answer and then move on to the next call.
Stations with or without traffic in Southeast Franklin County. #
Record all stations and their area of the county. Repeat the call until you have no answer and then move on to the next call.
Stations with or without traffic in Southwest Franklin County. #
Record all stations and their area of the county. Repeat the call until you have no answer and then move on to the next call.
Stations with or without traffic in Northwest Franklin County. #
Record all stations and their area of the county. Repeat the call until you have no answer and then move on to the next call.
Record all stations and their information (portable, mobile, etc.). Before you pass traffic from a station portable or mobile, ask them if they can take traffic.
Try to pass traffic going to the SNL first, and try to send all traffic closer to its intended location (e.g., traffic for Gahanna should go to a Gahanna or Northeast Franklin County station, if possible). Rather than making an open-ended call for a volunteer for the traffic, find a station nearby and ask the station "Will you take Gahanna traffic?" If the station is hesitant, offer to find a helper, an experienced operator who will copy the traffic along and answer any questions the newer operator has.
Any announcements and IF requests should be handled after all traffic is passed (unless the IF deals with a specific piece of traffic).
Once all traffic has been passed, make the announcements that you prepared before net from the COTN Announcements and Event Calendar, one at a time. After each one, confirm that the announcement was understood. ("Any questions or comments on the announcement?")
All traffic and business brought to the net has been taken care of. Is there any more business for this session? #
Take care of any additional business listed. After everything is done, close the net.
The Central Ohio Traffic Net is closed at (local time). Thanks to everyone who participated, especially those who brought or took traffic.
Thanks to the
If using 146.97, Central Ohio Radio Club
If using 146.76, Central Ohio Radio Club
If using 147.24, Capital City Repeater Association
for the use of this repeater. Please check us out on the web at WWW.COTN.US. (your call) is clear after a control function. #
When compiling your net report, use the number of minutes from the calling of the net to the end of the traffic handling -- the time that you announced. Remember to submit your session report within three days of the session, and do it by using the online form if you can. If you cannot, find someone to take the report for you for submission to the web site.