NVIS Day 21
COTN will be in operation for NVIS Day 21. To volunteer for duty or to let us know how you're working with us, please complete the form toward the end of this page. Available information is provided in the Activation Warnings and Notices.
Also, be sure that you have COTN's Standard Operating Procedures, which includes the Signal Operating Instructions. https://www.cotn.us/sop
April Training and Planning Meeting, held by videoconference 8 April.
Activation Warning 1, released 9 April.
C. M. Curtin. Central Ohio Traffic Net / ARES District 7 Prepares for NVIS Day. PostScript (ARRL Ohio Section Newsletter). "April 12th Edition," pp. 4-5 http://www.arrl-ohio.org/news/2021/ps-04-12-21.pdf.
Activation Warning 2, released 12 April.
C. M. Curtin. Your NVIS Day Checklist. PostScript (ARRL Ohio Section Newsletter). "April 19th Edition," pp. 2-4 http://www.arrl-ohio.org/news/2021/ps-04-19-21.pdf.
Activation Warning 3, released 19 April.
Activation Warning 4, released 22 April.
Activation Notice 1, released 23 April.
Net Control Script, released 24 April.
After-Action Report, released 27 April.