The ARRL Official Observer Program Explained, July 9, 2015, 6 p.m.
Post date: Jun 26, 2015 11:46:40 AM
Title: The ARRL OO Program Explained
Presenter: John Perone W8RXX
When: July 9, 2015, 6 p.m.
Questions? Contact Matthew Curtin KD8TTE,
Amateur radio is a flexible and powerful service, with licensed operators able to communicate locally, internationally, or anywhere in between even when regular communication infrastructure is unavailable. Operators must abide by technical and administrative rules to ensure that the service works well and does not interfere with other uses of the spectrum. What help to amateur radio operators have to ensure that they are operating well?
The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) sponsors the Official Observer program, where experienced amateur radio operators help others to operate their stations in compliance with FCC rules. Official Observers act as “eyes and ears” of the FCC, listening on the bands, advising operators when their equipment or procedures are out of compliance, and recognizing good operation.
John Perone W8RXX serves as the Official Observer Coordinator for the ARRL Ohio Section. He has been a radio amateur since 1967. He will discuss the Official Observer program, what it does, and how it works. We invite all interested in what amateur radio can do and how operators help one another to operate well to join us.