COTN Net Control and Liaison Stations Needed 5-6 Oct SET
Post date: Sep 29, 2019 11:26:06 AM
Just about one week away from the annual Simulated Emergency Test (SET), Central Ohio Traffic Net is now looking to complete the operating schedule. We are in need of net control and liaison stations.
Our plan this year is to operate as follows:
- Midnight session, SET format net, closed once traffic and business has concluded.
- Continuous operation starting 0600, concluding 2059 Saturday and 1959 Sunday.
- At the start of each hour, the net control station will read the SET preamble and run the net.
- Once all traffic and business has been concluded, net control will advise all stations that they are free to leave the frequency if they like.
- Liaison stations may leave the frequency to join other nets for movement of traffic, and rejoin as traffic comes in.
- Net control will advise that "the net is free," meaning that stations may call each other directly but that net control remains in control of the frequency to enforce discipline and to ensure that traffic can move.
- Net control closes the net at 59 minutes after the hour, allowing the next net control station to start a directed net at the top of the hour.
- Each session is reported separately through both the normal net reports, and the special SET reports.
Whether you can handle duty for one shift in one position or are available all day, please complete our form to advise us of your availability and station capability. Thank you!