NCS Procedures
Net control stations need to take particular care during SET to record such details as whether a station is new, is on emergency power, and has digital capability. Net control stations are responsible for reporting the usual session report as well as compiling a special SET session report that includes such details as how many stations acted as liaison for served agencies, how many are new, how many are capable of digital relay, etc.
Please be sure that you can detect when two stations can exchange traffic digitally and take advantage of that option. See the Digital Procedure for how to handle that.
SET Net Control Script
Please be sure to start the net on time. Check with WWV or another accurate source for the correct time.
The # symbol means drop carrier. Also, remember to identify the net every 10 minutes. ("This is the Central Ohio Traffic Net, (your call) is net control.")
If you have the procedure to put the repeater into net state, do so. If you do not have the procedure, do not worry: just run the net without it.
This is the Central Ohio Traffic Net, a part of the Ohio Section of the National Traffic System. We meet daily to handle traffic. This is a directed net and net control will control the net. Your net control is (your callsign), my name is (your name), and I am located at (your location). This net is participating in the annual Simulated Emergency Test. Please be sure that all test traffic comes with a precedence that starts with TEST, for example, welfare precedence traffic for SET is TEST WELFARE. #
When checking in please announce yourself with your callsign using standard phonetics. In addition, add stroke echo if you are operating on non-grid electric power, add stroke delta if you are able to relay traffic using Fldigi. Also, please say "new ham" if you got your license in 2014 or after. #
Is there any emergency or priority traffic? #
If any traffic is listed here, call for a station to help pass the traffic listed. Emergency and priority traffic move before the rest of the call-up. If there's significant traffic, direct stations to another frequency, e.g., secondary, tertiary, or simplex to pass the traffic so once the sending and receiving station are gone, net call-up can continue. Stations handling emergency traffic should return to net frequency one traffic is handled.
Are there mobile stations? #
Record all stations and their traffic (if any).
Ohio Single Sideband Net Liaison please. #
Acknowledge the OSSBN liaison, and record his traffic (if any).
Any other liaison stations? #
Acknowledge any other liaison stations, e.g., Buckeye Net (CW), OHDEN, W8SGT (Ohio EMA), W8OMR (Ohio Military Reserve), FCOH ARES, CERT, etc.
Stations with traffic only. #
Record all stations and their traffic. Repeat this as often as is needed.
Stations with or without traffic. #
Record all stations and their information (portable, mobile, etc.). Before you pass traffic from a station portable or mobile, ask them if they can take traffic. Try to pass traffic going to the SNL first, and try to send all traffic closer to its intended location (i.e. traffic for Westerville should be given to someone in Westerville or close to it, if possible). Any announcements and IF requests should be handled after all traffic is passed (unless the IF deals with a specific piece of traffic).
Remember, traffic will move according to precedence:
If there's significant traffic, don't hesitate to send stations to other frequencies to handle the traffic, keeping net control's frequency quiet and ready to take check-ins, traffic listings, returning stations, and other business.
All traffic and business brought to the net has been taken care of. Is there any more business for this session? #
Take care of any additional business listed.
COTN is operating in the annual Simulated Emergency Test. All stations please standby for any traffic. Any station leaving the net before the top of the hour please call net control. #
The midnight session should close as usual. For all other sessions, rather than close the net as usual, the net will stay open until the top of the hour. Close the session in minute 59 minute so the next session can start promptly at minute 0 of the next hour.
Any station calling should be answered by net control, and asked to check in, e.g.,
This is KE8EEO.
Net control will identify and ask KE8EEO to check in—keeping in mind that a station calling might not know that there's a net going on, or what the procedure is.
KE8EEO this is K3AUX. Please check in to Central Ohio Traffic Net.
KE8EEO then proceeds with the full check-in.
This is KE8EEO/D/E, W8SGT Liaison, in through the top of the hour.
Net control will record the checkin, and in this case will direct KE8EEO to call any station on frequency with traffic for KE8EEO or W8SGT. Net control may also list all stations on the net.
KE8EEO this is K3AUX. Good afternoon we have you in digital with emergency power and W8SGT liaison. There is no traffic for your station or W8SGT. Stations on the net are K3AUX, KD8UUB, AB8MW, KD8TTE, and KE8EEO.
Remember to identify the net every 10 minutes, even if there has been no transmission for the past 10 minutes. Any station listening should know that a net control station is on frequency.
Also remember that when we're on repeaters, we're guests of the repeater owners. If other stations wish to use the repeater while the frequency is quiet, do not interfere. If traffic is listed on the net while other stations are using the repeater when it was otherwise quiet, work cooperatively with the other stations to get the traffic handled. If necessary, net control can move the net to another frequency. That net is to be called up afresh on the other frequency, with all stations checking back in. Using the net above as an example, net control may move the net to the tertiary frequency, 147.24.
COTN this is K3AUX. Change frequency to 147.24. Change frequency to 147.24. Acknowledge in order. KD8UUB?
KD8UUB then answers with an acknowledgment, signs, and moves to 147.24.
24. KD8UUB.
Net control calls the next station on the list and does the same until all stations have acknowledged or had the chance to acknowledge but missed the window. Once the list is exhausted, net control announces the station is moving and moves.
COTN has moved to 147.24. This is K3AUX.
Net control records the time of the move—that's the end of one session—and calls up the net on the new frequency—which counts as a new session.
The Central Ohio Traffic Net is closed at (local time). Thanks to everyone who participated, especially those who brought or took traffic.
If on a repeater, thank the repeater owner,
e.g., for 146.97 or 146.76 say:
Thanks to the Central Ohio Radio Club for use of this repeater.
or for 147.24 say:
Thanks to the Capital City Repeater Association for use of this repeater.
Please check us out on the web at WWW.COTN.US. (your call) is clear. #
If the repeater is in net state, take it out of net state at the conclusion of your transmission.
NCS Reporting
The job of the net control station is not yet finished! For all nets, a standard net session report must be completed and submitted per usual procedure. In addition, for all SET nets (i.e., all nets held in October 6-7, 2018), an SET report must also be sent to the COTN SET coordinator AB8MW. See details below.
NCS Session Report
All session reports for COTN SET 2018 are submitted online. The format for the radiogram text is the date of the net (figure only), time of the net, number of stations checked in, volume of traffic passed, NCS, then any SNL.
Disambiguate the session: If more than one net is held on a particular day, the second word is the time that the net started, in local time. For example, the midnight net on Saturday morning, October 7, will begin with words 3 0000.
Minutes in session: computing minutes in the session from starting the call of the net to the time that you announced on-air as when the net was being closed. A net that starts at 1915 and ends at 1932 is seventeen minutes.
Liaison stations: report only NTS net liaisons, not liaisons to special stations like W8THV, W8SGT, or K8RSO. If you have more than one section net liaison stations, list them all one right after the other in separate words, e.g., if W8OLO and W8KWG are both checked in as SNL, the last two words of your radiogram will be W8OLO W8KWG. If no SNL checked in, put NONE for that word in the report.
Example session report acknowledgment: putting the pieces together for a net that started at 0200 (we don't have one scheduled then for the real SET), ending at 0217, where three messages were relayed, with five stations checked in, including KE8EEO as net control, and KD8UUB and W8KWG acting as SNL, we wind up with a radiogram to back to KE8EEO from the net manager after SET with the text of:
0200 5 3 17 KD8UUB
NCS SET Session Report
All nets held during SET require an additional report to the SET Coordinator, AB8MW. Please direct the report by email to AB8MW.
We need a report showing each station by callsign, and for each station we need to see:
Whether on emergency power ("/E")
Whether Fldigi capable ("/D")
Whether licensed in 2014 or after ("new ham")
Number of messages sent, by precedence
Number of messages received, by precedence
Please total the number of messages passed, including a breakdown by precedence. See below for an example of a net conducted during the 2013 COTN SET.