Take Action to Stay on the Roster!
Post date: Jan 25, 2017 11:59:29 PM
This from our Personnel Officer, Chris Miller KD8PSD.
We are in the process of updating the roster to ensure the information is correct and complete. I would like to ask that all current roster members send me a radiogram confirming their address, telephone number, and email. Also please include any duties that you are currently able to perform such as net control, SNL, Packet, or operate HF on emergency power.
We are also tracking any FEMA independent study courses that you may have completed. Currently IS 100, 200, 700, and 800 are required by many federal state and local entities in order to participate in operations. These courses provide a functional knowledge of the incident command system, the national incident management system, and the national response framework. If you have any of these completed please list them in your radiogram with just the number of the course you have completed.
Finally, in your signature please include if you are an official relay station, or official emergency station. If you are not on the roster and would like to be please send me a radiogram with the previously listed information and you will be added. If you would like to email me the information you may do so at kd8psd@arrl.net. Thank you. KD8PSD.