Best Recorded SET Performance
Post date: Oct 13, 2019 1:06:34 AM
Central Ohio Traffic Net (COTN) has posted the best performance for SET in possession of the Net Manager's records.
For the 2019 SET, our final tabulated records show:
Sessions: 28
Checkins: 186
Traffic: 122 (breakdown: 12 priority, 33 welfare, 71 routine, 6 ICS-213)
Time: 25 hours, 55 minutes
Unique stations participating: 37
Unique stations on emergency power: 25
Unique new stations (licensed since 2015): 13
Unique net control stations: 7
Unique liaisons to NTS nets: 7
Total points, using the League's multiples, 355. The closest we got in points before was 263, in 2015. The official Form B 2019 report to the League is available in our Reports section of the web site.
Watch the Reports section of the web site for the complete After-Action Report/Improvement Plan in the coming days.