Presenting National Traffic System to COARES
Post date: Mar 23, 2014 2:57:34 PM
On Wednesday, March 19, 2014, COTN Net Manager Matt Curtin KD8TTE (OES, ORS) led a presentation of the National Traffic System for the Central Ohio Amateur Radio Emergency Services (COARES). Our goal was to present NTS and the work of COTN in the context of emergency response.
The thrust of the presentation is that NTS ha been organized from the beginning of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) for the purpose of routing traffic for the general public. In an emergency, the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) primarily serves local public service agencies for tactical communications. NTS is organized for the purpose of transmitting messages including for the general public with fidelity, including long-distance traffic in and out of the affected area.
Stations participated in the exercise included KD8TVB, KD8TQI, N8RRB, W8KWG, W8ARR, KD8EEK, and N8KKW. Thanks to all participants in the special sessions that made the demonstration come together in support of the presentation! (Observations on the performance of the special sessions and demonstration more generally accepted through Wednesday, March 24 via email or radiogram to KD8TTE in Bexley, Ohio.)
Slides follow for those interested.