COTN Special Session: March 31, 8 P.M.
Post date: Mar 31, 2019 4:11:58 PM
CENTRAL OHIO TRAFFIC NET will hold a special session to test 6m capability. Our objectives are:
1. Determine how many stations we can get on 6m with eight hours' notice,
2. Determine our range of coverage (distance),
3. Determine our depth of coverage (how well all stations can hear each other), and
4. Determine the quality of signals for traffic handling.
Although historically a 2m net, our mission is to serve Central Ohio, and the ability to move among bands and even modes is advantageous from the perspective of resilience. We will hold our regularly scheduled exercise in the usual way, and at 8 P.M. we'll begin operation on 6m.
To help us with this exercise, please:
1. Be prepared to operate at 50.250 MHz USB at 8 P.M. this evening,
2. Bring at least one piece of traffic to the net—if you can't think of a destination please address your radiogram to W6RRI COLUMBUS OH 43209,
3. Be prepared to receive traffic, and
4. Send a copy of the traffic you send or receive by email to
We look forward to hearing you on the air this evening!
C. Matthew Curtin KD8TTE
COTN Net Manager