COTN Election Process Underway
Post date: Dec 5, 2017 12:10:01 PM
Our annual COTN Net Manager election process is underway. Our bylaws call for appointment of a Teller for the election. Stan Sutton KD8KBX has been appointed for to this position this year. Nominations for net manager per the bylaws is to run from December 1 through 7, but due to a scheduling problem we actually made the first call for nominations on December 4. We'll therefore in keeping with the spirit of the bylaws, hold the call for nominations open through December 10.
Our election will be held on December 11 through 18, and Stan will announce the winner on December 19.
If you are interested in nominating a Net Manager for 2018 please send a radiogram with your nomination to Stan KD8KBX on or before December 10. (E-mail, U.S. mail or phone messages will be accepted.) Votes for the net manager should also be made by radiogram.
Thanks to everyone for their participation!
C Matthew Curtin KD8TTE
COTN Net Manager