Call for Volunteers
COTN is calling for volunteers to staff positions needed for the SET. We are in need of people to fill the following roles. Please advise KD8TTE of your willingness and availability to play these roles over the October 3-4, 2015 weekend. Indicate the role(s) you'd like to fill and at which time(s) you'd like to fill them. Positions we need, and their descriptions follow.
Net Control Station (NCS)
Call the net, list traffic, and move traffic. Fill net session reports for SET including details like how much traffic moved with various levels of precedence, number of stations on emergency power, etc., in addition to a standard COTN session report.
Section Net Liaison (SNL)
Liaise between COTN and section-wide nets such as the Ohio Single Sideband Net. Take outbound traffic from COTN to a section net, and receive traffic from section nets inbound to the COTN coverage area. We are especially looking for more CW, NTSD, and HF operators to act as SNL stations.
Originating Stations
Originate traffic, creating radiograms that will be a part of the Ohio Section SET scenario. Coordinate with KD8TTE to create traffic before commencement of SET. You do not need to be a part of the Ohio Section to help. See "Send Us Traffic" on the COTN SET 2015 page.
Act as the final recipient of traffic, e.g., a friend or relative of someone moved to a shelter during the emergency. You do not need to be a licensed ham radio operator to perform this function: you'll receive the messages by phone if you're not on the air.