MARS COMEX 17-4 Underway
Post date: Nov 4, 2017 2:11:29 PM
All Station All Stations...
Please be aware of the MARS COMEX 17-4 that is currently underway. The exercise started 021200Z NOV 2017 and runs through 062359Z NOV 2017. This is a catastrophic solar (NATIONAL) storm that will effect all electronic equipment not protected. We are currently under a communications minimize condition until the effects of the storm pass the earth.
On 041200Z NOV 2017, COMMS will resume and MARS station will begin to contact amateur stations on K5403.5 to gather information on "County Status", which will be brought to the MARS circuits to be forwarded to MARS HQS for consolidation.
If you could be so kind as to pass this information through your sources to make as many amateurs aware of the above situation and to monitor the 60 meter channel "5" (K5403.5 MHz) and be listening for both Army and Air Force MARS stations looking for county status reports. Army and Air Force MARS stations will be using their assigned calls to contact the amateur community.
Thanks for taking the time to help get the word out if you can. REMEMBER, THIS IS ONLY AN EXERCISE AND NOT AN ACTUAL EVENT>
Thank you