TRI Bulletin: Hurricane Harvey Traffic Operations Update 2
Post date: Aug 29, 2017 11:40:34 PM
29 August 2017
(292127Z AUG 2017)
Please distribute to all traffic nets and EMCOMM organizations
This bulletin is a summary of current information about traffic operations relating to the SE Texas disaster area provided by our Central Area Coordinator, Steve Phillips (K6JT) as of 2127Z Aug 29. Please visit the RRI web page for prior bulletins (
Update from Jo Ann Keith (KA5AZK), Net Manager of 7290 Traffic Net:
Jo Ann reports that they will keep the net open daily from 9-AM until 5-PM CDT (1400Z to 2200Z) thru Wednesday with the schedule that we have. The net is still very busy and they are helping a number of agencies and individuals including the State and local Emergency Operations Centers.
They also anticipate the origination of some H&W traffic going forward.
This is an update from Roy Walker (WA5YZD), Assistant State RACES (Radio) Officer, Texas:
As Harvey moves back across parts of East Texas, the State Operations Center (SOC) will be interested in Emergency Centers and Public Service locations in Texas that have lost communications. This is likely to happen throughout the day today and for the next few days. The SOC needs to know if locations such as local police, sheriff, local government and state agency locations have lost the ability to communicate using wireline phone, wireless phone or broadband facilities.
The networks in the South East and Coastal areas of Texas have held up fairly well with some exceptions. The SOC in Austin has been able to maintain communications to the affected area with good reliability. Please refer calls such as would be directed to a 911 system to the local area where the need is located. The SOC is aware of the overloaded condition of 911 call centers and will do a best effort to forward urgent request back to a local agency.
If a call for urgent help is received contact KF5EGJ SOC Austin by email at for the most efficient handling of the traffic. The 7290 Traffic Net is also being monitored as closely as possible.
Thank you for your help and assistance. Your patience and skills in working with the SOC are greatly appreciated.
An additional note is provided by the staff at the Texas State Operations Center:
Please direct any contributions to the following:
Assets (volunteer personnel, boats, etc.): Harris County Sheriff's Office: 713-221-6000
Materials: (water, ice, food, clothing, etc.): Red Cross: 800-733-2767
A Reminder About Net Discipline:
Some reminders about good operating practice are in order:
· DO NOT check into an operational net unless you are a relay station or performing a traffic function such as providing an outlet, originations or connectivity. However, please monitor operational nets in case you can be of service. George Bobo (K5BMR), Assistant Manager of the 7290 Traffic Net would like to restrict check-ins to the affected area and served agencies.
· DO be prepared to clear traffic leaving Texas in an expedited fashion.
· Independent operators and served agencies who are providing communications support for their local community are welcome to utilize adjacent state/region traffic networks for any welfare traffic originations or traffic destined for outside the State of Texas. This will retain circuit capacity on the Texas traffic nets for priority/served agency messages.
· Specialized point-to-point circuits can be established upon request and as needed to expedite traffic flow to external locations.
Points of Contact for Coordination/Net Activations:
In keeping with standard Radio Relay International policy, any net manager or local EMCOMM official can request activation of RRI resources. The primary and secondary points-of-contact are as follows:
Steve Phillips (K6JT)
Central Area Coordinator
637 Oakdale Ave.
Plano, TX. 75025
James Wades (WB8SIW)
National Emergency Communications Coordinator
810 Skyline Dr.
Marion, IL. 62959