COTN Presidential News
Post date: Aug 22, 2015 9:10:27 PM
Net Control Station Calling
Starting August 22nd, 2015 the primary net control station will call that they are standing by for net when the repeater announces "Traffic Net in five minutes" notice (7:10). Should the primary net control station fail to announce standing by the secondary net control will announce they are available after the repeater gives the "Traffic Net in one minute" notice (7:14). If neither stations are available the Net Manager will inquire if any station would like to conduct the net. If no one accepts the Net Manager will conduct the net.
Net Reports
Our Net Manager Art, W8ARR would like for net control stations to pass their net reports immediately after net. I will monitor the repeater up to ten minutes after net. This time could be used to compose your net report. Don't forget to list your net report after net while still in session. However, according to our bylaws stations have up to three days to pass their reports to the statistician.
Training will begin next week August 24th. Training topics will be selected by net manager with advice from stations on net. Please join us and learn more about traffic handling
Denny, WA8EYQ Resignation from COTN Training and Advisory Board
Denny has been a long time influential member of the Central Ohio Traffic Net. I'm sorry to see you go. You have done more about passing traffic than I will ever know. I also know that life makes its demands of us without caring what our wishes are. Thank you for your many years of service to the Amateur community. May you have fair winds and smooth sailing.