RRI Update regarding Hurricane Irma

Post date: Sep 10, 2017 12:24:08 PM

10 September 2017

(101127Z SEP 2017)



Please distribute to all EMCOMM organizations

Radio Relay International – Update regarding Hurricane Irma

Please see earlier initial guidance bulletin and update for background. It is available at: www.radio-relay.org and www.facebook.com/radiorelayinternational

IATN Watch Frequencies:

Radio operators and all traffic nets are reminded that the RRI Inter-Area Traffic Net frequencies are being staffed today while the hurricane makes impact in Florida. Highly qualified operators will be monitoring 14115 kHz, 7115 kHz and, when needed, 10115 kHz. The mode for these networks is CW.

Please call “RRI RRI de [call sign] QTC [traffic list] K

Digital Traffic Network (DTN):

Digital Traffic Stations are reminded to increase the frequency of traffic download. Please expedite any hurricane related traffic using the best means possible.

September 11 through 13 Assignments:

Based on traffic volumes today, we will decide tonight at approximately 9 to 10-PM EDT regarding adding additional shifts both IATN and SATERN liaison for Monday through Wednesday. Volunteers are reminded to check the following web page for the duty roster. One may sign-up here for any available shift.


Official Requests for Support or Activation:

Radio Relay International networks are available to support local and statewide operations in the areas affected by Hurricane Irma. In keeping with our standard policy, any net manager or emergency communications program manager (EC, RO, etc.) may request activation of Radio Relay International networks to support statewide, regional or national communications functions. During this operation, the primary and secondary points of contact for activation are, respectively:

Jeff Miller (WB8WKQ)

Eastern Area Coordinator

5763 Lake George Rd.

Dryden, MI. 48428


James Wades (WB8SIW)

National Emergency Communications Coordinator

810 Skyline Dr.

Marion, IL. 62959


All that is necessary is to get a message to either the primary and secondary contact to arrange support operations. The Radio Relay International Digital Traffic Network (DTN) remains available 24 hours a day for emergency communications support. Likewise, watch frequencies can be assigned for voice or CW operation based on our National Emergency Communications Response Plan.