Central Ohio
Traffic Net
Actively training traffic handlers since 1984
When disasters or other emergencies strike, amateur radio operators relay critical information to save lives and property, as well as to report on the health and welfare of victims—even when Internet and phone service are unavailable or overloaded. The Central Ohio Traffic Net is a conduit for messages between Central Ohio and the rest of the world through National Traffic System and Radio Relay International affiliates.
Messages are typically sent over amateur radio frequencies as a radiogram, a standard transmission format that contains sender and recipient information, as well as a short message. Messages on radio relay circuits are collectively known as "traffic." Volunteer traffic handlers from around the country pass radiograms all over the United States and beyond as a public service.
We also operate in support of Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) stations providing radio communications to government agencies and non-government organizations providing humanitarian and disaster relief services. In addition to the venerable radiogram, we handle messages in any format, including the Incident Command System (ICS) forms 213 (General Message), and beyond.
Because disasters often strike without warning, we keep our skills in traffic handling sharp by relaying birthday greetings and other small messages on behalf of both other amateur radio operators and the public at large, as well as during exercises.
The Central Ohio Traffic Net is a part of the Ohio Section of the National Traffic System. We meet daily to handle traffic; all licensed amateur radio operators are welcome to check in and to learn how to handle traffic.
The Central Ohio Traffic Net meets daily at 7:15 PM local time and as activated.
News and Training Tips update often.
See the Standard Operating Procedures for our complete Signal Operating Instructions.
For special operations, be sure to watch the Activation Notice for instructions.