RRI Hurricane Harvey Update 4 (Final)

Post date: Sep 4, 2017 2:51:29 PM

4 September 2017

(040025Z AUG 2017)



Please distribute to all traffic nets and EMCOMM organizations

This bulletin is a summary of current information about traffic operations relating to the SE Texas disaster area provided by Jo Ann Keith, Net Manager of the 7290 Traffic Net as of September 4 at 0025Z. Please see prior bulletins for additional context.

The last extended session of the 7290 Traffic Net took place today, Sunday, September 3 from 10-AM to 12-Noon CDT (1500Z to 1700Z). The State Operations Center (SOC) and several EOC radio stations have closed.

Here is summary of some of the net operations over the preceding days:

    • The 7290 Traffic Net was operational "officially" for 65 hours and a total of 9 days.
    • Some Health and Welfare traffic was handled and confirmed that the addressees were OK. One request was from IL which was heard directly.
    • Jo Ann reports that she “didn't keep track of the informal questions and help requests handled but there were many.” She also reports that there were many EOCs present on the net including, the SOC from Austin and the Red Cross Headquarters in Houston, which was present on the net almost the wholetime. The American Red Cross Headquarters in FL joined the net for a time.
    • The 7290 Traffic Net handled one emergency request for people trapped in their attic.

Some other notes from Jo Ann:

“I am very proud of our net controls for the way they handled themselves and their session of the net. On the long days, we had six different net controls each day. I sent out a schedule for each day and most sessions were filled before the day was over. Several of them did multiple sessions We will go back to our regular hours of 10-12 Mon-Sat and 1-2 Mon through Fri starting Monday Sept 4. We will also start accepting regular traffic again except for Beaumont, Houston and the Southern coast, to give them a few more days to recover we will accept only H&W or emergency traffic until midweek. Of course, we are always willing to go back into extended session mode if we are needed.”

More in the Upcoming Issue of the QNI Newsletter:

The Autumn issue of the QNI Newsletter will contain a more thorough report of various net and EMCOMM activities. If you are not currently subscribed to the QNI Newsletter, feel free to register with Radio Relay International as a “registered radio operator.” The registration form may be found at:


Upon completing the form, feel free to mail it RRI or e-mail it to: info@radio-relay.org.

You will be added to the QNI distribution list and you will also receive operational bulletins covering network operations during emergency situations.

All back issues of the QNI Newsletter may be found at: www.qni-newsletter.net.

After Action Reports Solicited:

If your EMCOMM organization (ARES ®, RACES, AUXCOMM, etc.) or traffic net participated in the disaster response, please feel free to submit a copy of your after-action report to Radio Relay International. We would like to give those organizations that participated in this major disaster response coverage in our forthcoming QNI Newsletter article. We are also interested in your insights and suggestions for improving EMCOMM response and the national messaging layer.

Please feel free to send your information to:

James Wades (WB8SIW)

Radio Relay International

National Emergency Communications Coordinator


Final Update:

This is the final update on Hurricane Harvey operations. Undoubtedly, local EMCOMM operations and support will continue for some time in local areas. Please support these local activities and take some time now to prepare for a possible disaster in your area. The Hurricane Harvey event proves the continuing need for an organized, effective national messaging layer built on a diverse set of modes and methods, and which is predicated on effective training and skills.